
IPv4 in more than 35+ countries and territories. Data center meets international standards, new generation NVMe SSD hardware, CPU, RAM for high performance

Data center location

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22+ location
Americas with 7+ location


7+ location
Europe with 27+ location


27+ location
Africa with 2+ location


2+ location

Multinational Server

High speed Cloud Server


Windows 10

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VPS Linux, Singapore

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Cheap Private Proxy

Why should you buy VPS at vpswindows.com

Easy initialization

Easy initialization

Easy to create and immediately have Windows VPS, Linux VPS in many countries, free installation, supports many important features such as Resetting the server, Changing VPS IP address, Data Backup options.

Simple payment

Simple payment

Payment and deposit are extremely simple, payment is automatically confirmed in just a few seconds after payment is completed, without any additional fees.

Dedicated customer service

Dedicated customer service

247 permanent customer care team to support customers using the service through popular live chat forms such as Telegram, Skype, Messenger, Live chat quickly.