VPS screen resolution can be changed to suit the user’s work purposes, contributing to increasing work efficiency if you apply it at the right time and for the right needs. Below we will guide you to change VPS Windows screen resolution with just a few basic steps!


What is VPS screen resolution?

The screen resolution on a virtual server is the number of pixels that the VPS screen can display horizontally and vertically, helping to determine the detail of the image and information displayed on the screen, it is expressed in a pair of integers, for example: 1920×1080 means that the screen has a total of 1920 pixels horizontally and 1080 pixels vertically.

Screen resolution is the factor that determines the ability to display content on the VPS screen. High resolution will allow more information to be displayed with clear details and vice versa.

After purchasing VPS, you can customize the screen resolution according to the purpose of use. For example: Working remotely, running graphics applications, managing the system, or to optimize server resource performance, … you can adjust the appropriate resolution. Changing the screen resolution is usually done through the operating system configuration or remote management tools.

Why should you change VPS Windows screen resolution?

Changing the screen resolution on a virtual server is necessary to serve your specific work needs and requirements. In general, virtual server users often change the screen resolution for the following reasons:

Customize the user interface

If you use a virtual server to manage and work on a remote server system, you should apply increased screen resolution. Increasing the screen resolution can make it easier to manage the system and use applications on the virtual server.

Displaying graphic applications

If you run graphic applications on VPS, you can change the resolution to display that application at the best resolution for a specific purpose.

Working utilities

You can adjust the resolution to work more effectively on Windows VPS. Especially when using text applications or having to manage many windows and applications at the same time.

Optimize resources

Changing the resolution helps optimize the use of VPS resources. If you reduce the VPS resolution, it can consume less graphics and CPU resources. At the same time, it helps increase the overall performance of the VPS.

Compatible with specific screens or devices

If you connect the virtual server to a screen or device with a fixed resolution. At this time, you may need to change the resolution to ensure compatibility.

Changing the virtual server screen resolution has many advantages. However, users need to consider changing the resolution accordingly. This is to ensure that you can use the VPS best.

How to change VPS Windows screen resolution?

– Prepare a Windows VPS account, you can buy it here.

– Access Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) to connect to the VPS server by searching in the search toolbar on the Windows screen

– Log in to VPS, in the initial interface, after entering the IP, you perform the following operations

– To set the screen resolution in RDC, select Show Options before connecting to VPS


– The settings options panel appears with many tabs to select options.

change the VPS Windows screen resolution

– Select the Display tab. Here, you can change the resolution, the recommended resolution size is usually 1280×800 or a little larger. Select Connect to open the Windows VPS. So you have successfully changed the resolution for the virtual server.

Above is a guide to change VPS Windows screen resolution with just a few basic steps. Hopefully you can do it yourself on your computer. Good luck!

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